Martins Ate,,,,,,,,

You know, I have 3 favorite movies besides other favorite movies I can talk about. However Pulp Fiction, Be Cool and Reservoir Dogs are sort of movies where I recognize myself in.
Pulp Fiction - Travolta - I met him when was working in Hollywood for Randal Klaiser. All what's happening so reminding me my time in Hollywood.
There is something about it.
It's different now even if I have my own GanjaGyals, etc.

I love this style of #reggae in #Milky &Juicy #FemaleReggaeCollection from #MartinsAte and #MelodicMimi . Listen at:

Not Robed - Melodic Mimi (The Best Milky & Juicy Female Reggae Compilation IV) - YouTube
An ending, and the seasons, and the Path ;That gracious, potent, Friend who wisdom hathOf whence all come, and whereunto all go ;(He, in Gethsemane, did see ...
#lifehack - take with you your own #mango pickles when dining at #govinda #harekrishna #vegetarian restaurant :)

Ar Koni :) #krishnas :)

Food. This is one of the reasons I wish tomcome back to #Riga again and again. So tasty #ISKCON kitchen - like the bestbI've been :) Delicious #vegetarian meals - proper #ayurveda kitchen - soo tasty :)

Fixing brains at #RigaBrain - awesome stuff :) Highly recommended :)

Good morning #Riga :)

8th spot of #vedatrac3 is called #Perperikon . Human activity in the area dates back to 5000 BCE. The first traces of civilization on the hill date from the Bronze Age, while the ceramics found on the place date from the Early Iron Age.
Per has the meaning of rock, and the name of the ancient god Perkos should be sought in the second particle. It is logical to assume that Perperek means the Rock of Perkos, a place sacred to the supreme god.
Thracians called it a palace for gods and humans. There is also a sanctuary for a Dionysus - winde god.

7th spot of #vedatrac3 is the sort of interesting & cute rock formations of Beli Plast called "Mushroom Rocks". According to the legend, the petrified mushrooms are actually the daughters of a local man called Raduil. He lived with his four daughters in the fortress of Perperikon. They frightened the horse of the Ottoman leader and he fell to the ground. The girls killed him with stones and trees. Then fled.
The best friend of the slain robber caught them up and with one stroke of his scimitar snapped the head of the first girl. She instantly turned into stone. Same happened to other girls.

6th spot of #vedatrac3 is a Zaychev Vrh in old Thracian town Kabile. Translated it could mean the "Rabbit Hill". It was used a sun observatory from 2 millennium B.C. to 3rd century A.D. by Thracians to predict changes of the seasons. Scientists also have found magnetic anomaly of the mountain that reflects positively on ones health.

5th spot of #vedatrac3 is a Beglik Tash is a Thracian rock sanctuary situated on the southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. A natural phenomenon of huge megaliths arranged and carved by a Thracian tribe and (it is claimed) later used for pagan ceremonies. To me it reminded me something like a knocked over probably by time and nature Stonehenge in UK just much older.

4th spot of #vedatrac3 is an ancient Dolmen called a Dragon House. This is one of the strongest energy places I have visited lately, carrying its mystique, beauty and uniqueness surrounded in a round shape of powerful oak trees.
The construction and objects found in the burial chamber dating back to the times before the Trojan War. The findings helped archaeologists to date with precision the period - XIII century BC.
Local people call the whole area "The Dragons houses". The rocks are coated with many legends and stories about the wonderful winged giants who kidnapped beautiful girls.

3rd spot of #Vedatrac III is the ancient Thracian dome tomb in Pomorie - that is unique to the Balkan Peninsula. Archaeologists date it at the end of the III and the beginning of the IV century AD. For this reason, it is defined as the latest representative of the Thracian tombs for the territory of Bulgaria. Also, it is the most massive Thracian tomb in Bulgaria.

2nd ancient rock formation of #vedatrac3 - also found in Bulgaria - Madara Horseman. There are many legends about the creation of the Madara Horseman that are not proven true. According to one of them, the bas-relief depicts Khan Tervel as a victorious warrior. Some scholars suggest that the rider may not be a specific khan, but a collective image of the Bulgarian triumphant ruler or the hero horseman from the mythology of the steppe people, and perhaps even the god Tangra. Is it only me seeing similarities with St. Georgi?

Stay tuned everybody - this time at #Vedatrac movie should come out :) visit for ore information

Starting #Vedatrac 3. 1st place - Pobiti Kamani, Tubular concretions formed around a “rising methane-bearing fluid plume” also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.
More at

Getting my #dopamine dose at #RigaBrain :) Incredible cool stuff. Tears felt down from happiness and harmony. Like how.. WOW! So powerfull stuff! Highly recommended:

Fixing myself at #RigaBrain :) Good stuff :)

With my good friend Peter from #RigaBrain :) Eating some spicy indian dishes :)

This is a person i smoked my #weed with for the very first time about 27 years ago :) Next level catch-up :)