#Lingoda revolutionising language learning through live #online classes led by professional teachers. https://zg.ink/lingoda

#Lingoda revolutionising language learning through live #online classes led by professional teachers. https://zg.ink/lingoda

#QRCodeGenerator #Egoditor clients range from SMB in all industries to #global brands and #non -profit organizations. Among them are Starbucks, Zalando, Salvation Army, Accor, and GAP. https://zg.ink/egoditor

#Lingoda is the #online school that teaches you how to speak a #language . Find out more: https://zg.ink/lingoda

#QRCodeGenerator #Egoditor clients range from SMB in all industries to #global brands and #non -profit organizations. Among them are Starbucks, Zalando, Salvation Army, Accor, and GAP. https://zg.ink/egoditor

#QRCodeGenerator #Egoditor clients range from SMB in all industries to #global brands and #non -profit organizations. Among them are Starbucks, Zalando, Salvation Army, Accor, and GAP. https://zg.ink/egoditor

#Lingoda is the #online school that teaches you how to speak a #language . Find out more: https://zg.ink/lingoda

8th spot of #vedatrac3 is called #Perperikon . Human activity in the area dates back to 5000 BCE. The first traces of civilization on the hill date from the Bronze Age, while the ceramics found on the place date from the Early Iron Age.
Per has the meaning of rock, and the name of the ancient god Perkos should be sought in the second particle. It is logical to assume that Perperek means the Rock of Perkos, a place sacred to the supreme god.
Thracians called it a palace for gods and humans. There is also a sanctuary for a Dionysus - winde god.

2nd ancient rock formation of #vedatrac3 - also found in Bulgaria - Madara Horseman. There are many legends about the creation of the Madara Horseman that are not proven true. According to one of them, the bas-relief depicts Khan Tervel as a victorious warrior. Some scholars suggest that the rider may not be a specific khan, but a collective image of the Bulgarian triumphant ruler or the hero horseman from the mythology of the steppe people, and perhaps even the god Tangra. Is it only me seeing similarities with St. Georgi?

Did you know that the bible actually doesn't say God is a giant dude? People always quote the "made in his image" but they forget that in John it says "God is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" and in Revelation he's described in a vision as having "eyes of fire" and his voice as the "sound of many waters" In Psalm 93 95 98 and 147 it also makes it clear that he speaks through the weather. In Job 33:14-18 it tells u God speaks through dreams and visions as well ( which are all tied in with the pineal gland ) #god

Acts 2-4 King James Version
2 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. #Bible #spirituality #truth #god #yah #jesus #ancientofdays

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