Abel Tegenie
@AbelTegenieI'm here to invite you to participate in development of various widgets, gadgets & on your websites for Zigi Global Group Corporation

Participate in development of various widgets, gadgets & embed them on your websites

Zigi Open - Zigi Open Source Affiliate Widgets
Our aim and vision are that by connecting clients, members and business associates through the Zigi Affiliate network, we will assist people in reaching their goals, hopes, dreams and aspirations. By sharing experiences and knowledge within the network we will create a network community that aspire ..
Embed ZigiTrip Travel Widget On Your Website

Embed ZigiTrip Travel Widget On Your Website
Zigitrip is a flight booking affiliate system to find the best deals on all possible connections ever. Get Zigi FREE ZIGI coins for embeding...
Embed ZigiFX Forex Trading Widget

Embed ZigiFX Forex Trading Widget
ZigiFX is a forex trading chart affiliate system widget to find the best trading deals ever. Get Zigi FREE ZIGI coins for embedding this wid...
Embed ZigiSpace Stock Widget On Your Website

Embed ZigiSpace Stock Widget On Your Website
Embed ZigiSpace widget on your website for tracking on main space program developers for global investors - zigispace.com. Get Zigi FREE ZI...
Embed ZigiSign to use our database for your client sign-ups

Embed ZigiSign to use our database for your client sign-ups
ZigiSign allows you to use Zigi Database and KYC on your clients. Keep your data secure with ZigiSign corporate sign-up feature. Use ZigiSig...
Embed Crypto Buy/Sell Widget On Your Website

Embed Crypto Buy/Sell Widget On Your Website
Install Crypto buy sell switchere affiliate emeddable widget and get Zigi FREE ZIGI coins for embedding this widget on your website - that w...
Install Embeddable Crypto Mining Calculator On Your Website

Install Embeddable Crypto Mining Calculator On Your Website
Install BTC crypto mining calculator widget powered by hashing 24 and Bitfury emeddable widget! Get Zigi FREE ZIGI coins for embedding this ...
Embed ZigiMusic "mining" Music Player On Your Website

Embed ZigiMusic "mining" Music Player On Your Website
ZigiMusic is a service which allows zigi affiliate community to literally mine zigi coin by adding it's liquidity from royalty payments by c...
Embed crypto collateral lending and borrowing widget on your website: https://www.zigiopen.com/2...

Embed crypto collateral lending and borrowing widget on your website
Embed ZigiEqt btc and crypto collateral lending and borrowing widget Get Zigi FREE ZIGI coins for embedding this widget on your website - th...
Keep your data secure with ZigiSign corporate sign-up feature. Use ZigiSign instead of Google or Facebook Login/Signup option. Keep data secure with Zigi!https://github.com/ZigiGro...

GitHub - ZigiGroup/zigisign: Zigisign is a Multi-functional management of your microchip implant with all-in-one 5G KYC integrated identification circuit device..
Zigisign is a Multi-functional management of your microchip implant with all-in-one 5G KYC integrated identification circuit device or RFID transponders connected to ZIGISIGN mobile RFID reader and privacy adjustment app. Companies can use zigisign.com kyc verified client signup like google or face..
Earn ZigiCoin by embedding Zigi widgets on your blogs and websites. We are constantly improving our range of embedable widgets for Zigi Affiliates and Zigi Coin owners to help grow Liquidity. https://github.com/ZigiGro...

zigi.be · GitHub
Work from home affiliate tools with coin. zigi.be has 9 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
ZigiSign enables you to embed Zigi.be corporate KYC solutions into your tech platform. Learn how our API can help you transform your KYC processes: https://github.com/ZigiGro...

GitHub - ZigiGroup/zigisign: Zigisign is a Multi-functional management of your microchip implant with all-in-one 5G KYC integrated identification circuit device..
Zigisign is a Multi-functional management of your microchip implant with all-in-one 5G KYC integrated identification circuit device or RFID transponders connected to ZIGISIGN mobile RFID reader and privacy adjustment app. Companies can use zigisign.com kyc verified client signup like google or face..